Since before Christmas I have
made numerous visits to the sea shore of the Bristol Channel in search of a PB
shore caught Cod,
Which stands at a Lowly 2 1/2lb caught some years ago, so with the
tides spot on this week and rumours of fish being caught I planned a visit Tuesday
evening my approach was to be two rods one with a whole squid fished at range
and another two hook flapper rig with rag fished closer for a flounder or
smaller fish,
First cast at around 6.30pm produced a couple of small rattles on the rag
worm rigs which I left followed by an almighty drop back which I promptly wound
down too, this was no flounder not what I need a good size fish on a size 2 thin
wire hook pumping it in from 60yds the fish kited right then tried to make for
the rocks under my feet by this time, I still hadn’t Seen the fish but was now
convinced I was connected to a Cod, not massive but certainly a PB,
It’s at times like this you need some luck and tonight I had some a
freak wave lifted the fish out of the rocks right to my feet where I pick it up
and carried to the shore, it was hooked
by the most tenuous of hook holds with the thin wire no.2 practically straight ,
Between 4 & 5 pounds |
Not a Breath of wind |
Sadly I had not packed any scale’s but put the weight at between 4 and
5 pounds And feeling so pleased with myself I decided to return it alive , I fished
on until 8.30pm with only a couple more small pin whiting to show for my
efforts , and not a bite on the whole Squid , so if your struggling for a
Bristol Channel Cod go Flounder Fishing ,